Tuesday, 4 October 2016

New Beyond Good & Evil Officially In Pre-Production

After so many years, vague teases about the possibility of Beyond Good & Evil 2 are just a part of the video game landscape now. Heck, we just had another one last week. However, creator Michel Ancel might finally be ready to back up the teases with something concrete.

According to an Instagram post from Ancel, a new Beyond Good & Evil game is officially in pre-production. The confirmation came alongside a new piece of concept art (pictured above), where Ancel wrote the caption: "Endangered species - now saved - Game in pre-production - Stay tuned!" 

This is good news for fans who have been anxiously following every scrap of info about a possible follow-up. If you want to know what made the first game so special, you can watch our Super Replay of the original Beyond Good & Evil. 


Our Take
I guess sitting on the shelf for almost a decade doesn't count as "pre-production." After all of the nudges and teases, at least fans have something solid to hang their hopes on – but after all this time, I won't believe it's happening until we see something playable.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2016/10/04/new-beyond-good-amp-evil-officially-in-pre-production.aspx

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