Thursday 1 December 2016

Blog Herding – The Best Blogs Of The Community (December 1, 2016)

We took a break from Blog Herding to enjoy the holiday week. But now we're are back, better, and full of more Pokémon blogs than ever!

Community Blogs For November 17 – November 30:

Top 10 WTF Moments in Games
When it comes to just about any creative medium, StarterPack know that sometimes things get a little bat-poo crazy. As an example, the Zelda series timeline. And most gamers know the twists and turns of BioShock, so we won't even go there.

When I Gave A Gaming Presentation At College
GerardoExber wants a career in the game industry, and here he regales us with a tale about how he started to pursue that path. Bonus: In his blog we find out he gave a presentation about the under-celebrated and totally awesome Shoji Meguro-san. Megaten for life.

The First Step
It's hard to put yourself out there, but even more difficult to let your writing out into the wild. But Qrow Rose is doing just that, and the GIO community is here to make you feel welcome! And we can definitely use more blogs on anime.

Hitman: Season One Review
The episodic approach to Hitman came as a shock, but John Wrek says it worked out quite well. There are some frustrations here and there, but it brings all of the series' staples to the fore, which is something longtime fans will enjoy.

Remembering Skyward Sword
It only makes sense that someone with the handle TheDarkestLink would write about Skyward Sword. I agree with our writer that it is crazy how long ago the game came out. What really stands out to him all these years later is Link and Zelda's relationship. I have to agree that it was one of the best things about the game.

Tackling the Backlog: SSX (2012)
General Mills44 takes a look at what SSX has become and what it was in his new blog. And really his intro says it all: Compare both games' covers, and in the artwork you will see just how different they are. I still own and play the original SSX from time to time, and have a blast with its goofiness.

An Ode to All of my Unfinished Games
"The other night I started a new game of a Link to the Past and it was a very stupid thing to do," Haley Shipley begins her blog. I get it; I've started JRPGS while trying to beat games that take over a dozen hours to complete. Usually I abandon both endeavors and add them to my backlog.

The Gamer's Thanksgiving
Dalin Briggs is one of the few bloggers to write about some Thanksgiving gaming shenanigans. As it is a holiday asking for thanks, and our writer is thankful for the positive gaming culture and community. It's about the games, sure, but without people like the GIO group, it is not as meaningful.

Final Fantasy XV: My First Three Hours
So a new Final Fantasy is out, and TonberryKing128 is here to give us some insight into the beginning of the latest game in the series. It sounds overwhelming, exciting, and something I really want to tackle but haven't summed up the courage to buy it yet.

I Just Want Gravity Rush 2 So Bad You Guys
Enuo nails my feelings with the headline. It mostly has to do with the fact that the first game blew me away when I tried it and a slew of Vita games out at CES. It's different. Plus, there is a cat. Everything is better with a cat. I'm loving the excitement in this blog!

My Top 15 Favorite Original Vocal Songs In Games
I scrolled through Justin Mikos' blog just to ensure "Still Alive" from Mirror's Edge was included. It is, so you know this list is legit. Vocals in game songs aren't so common, but you'd be surprised by the quality within this list. 

Writing Challenge Responses:

CWC: Growing up with Pokémon
I instantly felt old while reading Brendon Curzio's post, but the nostalgia was nice, too. It's a short trip through the many years of Pokémon, but it's crazy to think what the series has become.

Community Writing Challenge: My Favorite Pokémon Memories
Haley Shipley takes up her quest to keep writing about how far the series has come since its early days, and just what it means to her. It's a fun read to see how she found the game, her quirks while playing it, and also similar experiences she and I – and many players – have had with the series.

Community Writing Challenge: 20 Years of Pokémon from the Sidelines  
TheFoolArcana is here to write about how he has not been absorbed by the Pocket Monster craze. It, like Halo's first release for me, just was not something he and his friends were talking about. In spite of his lack of interaction with the series, our blogger is fully aware of it and what it's done. And this time, Arcana will be jumping into Moon. I expect some blogs on the experience!

Community Writing Challenge: Me And Pokémon, Pokémon and Friends
GerardoExber first experienced this juggernaut of a series via Pokémon Stadium. While that is not what I expected, it provides yet another viewpoint outside of the narrative provided by kids who grew up with the series.

Community Writing Challenge:

With Final Fantasy being all the rage this week, let's take a moment to write about the new game, what the series means to you, or how you would love to barbecue a Chocobo. Or just write about how Final Fantasy Tactics is the best Final Fantasy game ever. Not even my opinion. This is fact.

I hope you enjoy the blogs! Please contact me via my Game Informer page or on Twitter at @LouisGarcia12 with any blog news or playdate suggestions.

from - The Feed

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