Monday 26 February 2018

New Overwatch Character Tease Turns A New Page

New character reveals in Overwatch have always been shrouded in mystery and Hero #27 is no exception. Blizzard has sent out more lore tweets that further tease a new character reveal and how that character may be tied to Torbjörn .

First, we have a letter that Torbjörn sent to his wife after Operation: "White Dome":

The English translation reads:

My dear Ingrid,

I know that by now you have gotten news of my injuries in our latest mission. While the descriptions may sound terrible, the doctors are quite sure I'll make a full recovery. Even Angela came to visit me! On the matter of my arm, I promise to make it my first priority to construct a suitable prosthesis that will make everyone forget that it was ever gone. If only Angela's dreams of tissue regeneration were a reality! I told her she should be working harder!

They tell me that you have not yet gone into labor, so I am holding out hope that I will be able to be by your side back home in Gothenburg when the time comes. Just wait a little longer for me!

You may have heard that Reinhardt is responsible for saving my life. I've heard the story at least four different times myself, already, each time more unbelievable than the last. Exaggerations, as you know how he can be. All the same, they've decided to award him a commendation for "conspicuous bravery." Could two words better describe the big oaf?

He has been bothering me insufferably at my bedside. Half in jest, I suggested that if it would shut him up, I would allow him to name our daughter, as he has been badgering me about it these past months. He, of course, took me at my word. Truth be told, I had been considering making him her godfather, and I hope you'll forgive me for making this decision without your consultation. We can only hope she doesn't take after him too much.

I told him that you would have to agree to any name he chose, so let’s hope it's a good one (though I fear that may be beyond his abilities, given some of the ridiculous names he gives the characters in his "true stories"). I'm getting sick of this hospital, so I am hoping to return soon.



Then, there's schematics for a hammer, captioned with the phrase "I'll knock some sense into you!":

A few days ago when Blizzard provided some lore into Operation: White Dome, a new name of Private First Class Emre Sarioglu was revealed as an old comrade of Ana, Reinhardt, and Torbjörn. However, Emre is not mentioned in the letter to Torbjörn's wife, but focus is drawn towards Torbjörn's daughter Brigitte, who we first saw in the Honor and Glory cinematic short as Reinhardt's squire. The hammer schematic appears to be a Torbjörn design, and if Brigitte has been under the tutelage of the hammer-wielding Reinhardt, it would all fit together nicely. Of course, we won't know for sure until Blizzard officially announces Hero #27.


Our Take
Whether Hero #27 is Brigitte, Emre, or someone completely out of left field, hopefully Blizzard will make the official announcement soon. It's fun to dive deep into Overwatch lore and speculate, but Blizzard started hinting at a new hero back in January and after the drawn-out Sombra reveal, we're hoping for some more concrete details soon.

from - The Feed

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