Thursday 6 December 2018

Best Enterprise Endpoint Protection

At Solutions Review we spend our time discussing deeply endpoint security of enterprises keeping a focus on various latest technical developments including hacking campaigns and InfoSec strategies. We have listened to the experts talking about the corporate culture of bring-your-own-device and digital perimeters.

After all these conversations we are ready to predict enterprise endpoint security in 2019. As per pour expectations, you can plan your strategy for EPP solution for the coming year and manage your forwarded endpoints and database confidently.

Our predictions include:

The takeover of EDR or Endpoint Detection and Response

The dominance of EDR can probably be the most expected and well-obtained prediction for endpoint security for the year 2019. A number of EPP solution providers were seen in 2018 that were either developing their capabilities for EDR or searching for vendors to include EDR in their security systems. One of the world’s most recognized research company, Gartner, has developed important capabilities of EDR while evaluating the marketplace for enterprise endpoint security.

EDR was prominent in 2018 and will remain prominent in 2019 due to simple reasons like increasing expansiveness and porosity of the digital perimeters of the networks of the enterprise. It was difficult for the traditional endpoint security system to protect the digital transformation of so many companies, which were putting their databases in the cloud, from the hackers. Threat detection and remediation are the essential capabilities offered by EDR to protect new environments of IT.

The next part of our predictions includes that Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and automation will be developed by the solution providers to improve their capabilities for EDR. Today, EDR can be a threat for the IT security teams of overloaded and inexperienced enterprises. It can generate alerts similarly to false alarms and at the speed of SIEM solutions. It has slowed down the process of technology adoption and made it harmful for the enterprises. So to reduce these problems and stop the buzz Solution Providers will invest a lot.

Similarly, AI in Endpoint Security will be a kind of arms race.

From all the predictions for Endpoint Security 2019, some are full of betrayal and promises like an arms race in AI. In order to make EDR more practical as well as machine learning and intelligence more crucial AI is important for the enterprise endpoint security platforms for the next generation.

At the same time, hackers and other malicious people are including AI into their social engineering campaigns and malicious attacks to make their detection more problematic along with improving their effectiveness.

The hackers and vendors will work to improve the capabilities of AI more effectively and faster than others. Resultantly, the overall detection and remediation will be more effective as well as overwhelming due to less frequent breaches f enterprise data as to achieve the goals both of them will collaborate like brothers.

Protection by Kaspersky Endpoint Security

Despite criticism of InfoSec, IoT Remains Vulnerable

However, IoT or the internet of thing is still insecure. During 2018 this issue was tossed up several times. Another reason for the prediction for 2019 is a consistency of inherent issues of IoT.

IoT devices are being continuously designed by the manufacturers even without using any solution for endpoint protection as they are using the platforms providing minimum protection to their firmware. In several cases, the manufacturers left the cracked or guessed credentials of the administrator of their devices even while introducing them in the market.

Even the businesses worried about the policies of endpoint protection platform may find a problem in protecting their IoT devices. These devices are often found connected and hidden on the network without being detected by the solutions of endpoint security. They may make the process of updating the security frustrating and challenging without offering updates.

The IoT can be used by the hackers as a perfect place to live in or a point of conversion for lateral movement while syphoning proprietary data and mining cryptocurrency. The IoT has also been used by hackers to steal money directly from its owners, in some cases.

Any change to this trend cannot be expected if our predictions 2019 proved to be true. What we can expect will be more damaging as more hackers will take advantage of them. In order to cover up the gaps between the connected appliance and products, the providers of next-generation enterprise endpoint security solutions will increase the capabilities of IoT. The businesses which have stopped including connected items in their network will take advantage of IoT in the next year.

from Flash Jungle

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