Friday 21 April 2017

Weekend Warrior — I Came, I Saw, I Played Video Games

This weekend marks the last full week of work for the Game Informer Interns, but know that our time here has been well spent, and is full of fond memories. Like that one time Ben Hanson barged into the break room to ask me what I was eating that he could smell from his desk. Or that one time I said "Hi" to Reiner in passing, and I don't think he heard me. These are truly moments I will cherish for the rest of my life.

When we're not busy preparing our long goodbyes, the GI Staff will be partaking in the great national pastime: video games. Persona 5, Overwatch, Destiny, and Horizon Zero Dawn are all on the agenda. What are you playing this weekend? Sound off in the comments below. 

Suriel Vasquez (@SurielVasquez) — I reached 400! But I’d still like the have all four raids done on Hard mode, so I’ll probably keep plugging away at Destiny for a little longer. I’m also going to keep plugging away at Persona 5, which continues to be very good. I’m running into a little too much déjà vu, though, so I’m hoping the main plot picks back up.

Ben Hanson (@yozetty) — This weekend I’m hoping to finish off Mass Effect Andromeda for our GI Game Club. Other than that, I should really play more Persona 5 but my sick and twisted heart wants to start playing Nier. Too many JRPGS! Oh, and I’m going on a weird expedition and playing a game called Survival Kids for the GameBoy Color thanks to Kyle Hilliard. I’ll report back from these murky waters. Have a good weekend!

Jordan Leendertsen (@Bad_Durandal) — I'm getting pretty close to Grandmaster rank in Overwatch with Pharah, so I will likely be continuing that crusade. I'm also planning on diving into Marvel Heroes Omega Closed Beta, and I also just started playing KOTOR for the first time. Also, Street Fighter V and Mortal Kombat X have somehow managed to suck me back in. Dark Souls III is in there somewhere too. I also have to finish half a bottle of whiskey at some point. 

Brian Shea (@BrianPShea) — I’ve been playing Pokémon SoulSilver, but I also just started Persona 5. I couldn’t get into Persona 4 thanks to its long, dialogue-heavy opening, but I’m hopeful for this game – the intro is already way better. I’m also having some people over to play Rock Band 4, so that’ll be on the agenda, plus some Cities: Skylines and Overwatch.

Javy Gwaltney (@HurdyIV) — My weekend is going to be FAST and FURIOUS because, well, I'm finishing up marathoning those rad movies and then going to see Fate of The Furious in theaters oh yeahhhhh. Also: Zelda. Also: PERSONUH. Also: Whiskey. Also: Pizza. Oh, and Andromeda, I guess :/

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) — I still haven’t beaten Horizon Zero Dawn so that should probably happen. I also want to play Persona. And Nier: Automata. And Salt & Sanctuary on Vita. The most important activity of the week, however, is to build the grill my father bought for me while he was visiting for Easter. After I build, I will cook some kind of meat on it. It will be delicious. Or at the very least, edible. Wish me luck.

Manon Hume (@ManonHume) — I’ll be jamming out with some Rock Band this weekend, which should keep the blues of leaving Game Informer away. (Good thing I’m getting a cold right before my big vocal debut…) Thanks for reading my stories and all your awesome comments during my time here, and have a great weekend, everyone! 

Zak Wojnar (@ZakWojnar) — It’s a race to the finish for ol’ Zak. That’s me. I’m Zak. I’ve got about a week left to finish Yakuza 0 before Jordan goes back to Washington and I go back to New York, which won’t be too tough, since I’ve amassed ~40 hours since I started playing in the early days of February. I took a break to conquer Quantum Break and Alan Wake’s American Nightmare, but now I’m back in Japan, busting heads and… Running a cabaret club. I love it! I would have been done with the game by now if I hadn’t gotten hooked by Fargo season 2, but I finished that last night, and now I’ve got my own Sisyphean boulder to push up the hill. No, I’ll probably never make it over the mountain, but if I don’t keep on trying, then what’s the point of even living at alll.

from - The Feed

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