Monday 31 July 2017

Reader Discussion: When Do You Put Limiters On Yourself In A Game?

Most of us have played a game that gives us options for how to do something. Do you take the easier path that might have negative, or immoral, consequences? Or do you do the harder way that lets your character feel squeaky clean afterward. Or maybe the game isn't really giving you a moral choice as much as you just want to try it a different way by not taking advantage of every mechanic you can.

The question, then, is when do you put limiters on yourself in a game?

There are entire subscultures in gaming around making the game more challenging by not leveling up. The Dark Souls community, for example, often engages in Soul Level 1 playthroughs. Since leveling up in that game is entirely elective, they can get to the end of the game without increasing a single character stat. By doing this, they make the game more interesting and challenging for themselves, and also expose how skill-dependent the game is. Grinding may help you, but it's not necessary to win.

Personally, I went through all of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain without killing a single enemy soldier. There were some situations where I straight up had to blow up some tanks, but, uh, I just told myself they were probably unmanned. Friends questioned why I bothered when there was no achievement for doing so, but to me, not killing anyone made the game more fun. I had to really think out every situation because I couldn't just gun my way out if things went wrong. I also finished Dishonored without killing anyone...well, except for that one soldier that fell off a roof long after I knocked him out and left.

When have you made things a bit harder for yourself because you want to have more fun? When have you wanted to but the game just wasn't built for it?

from - The Feed

Titanfall 2 Added To Origin Vault On Xbox One And PC

Subscribers to EA's Origin Vault/EA Access on PC and XBox One respectively can now play Titanfall 2 in its entirety.

Titanfall 2 launched in October 2016 to critical acclaim, despite underperforming commercially. The singleplayer campaign has you take the role of a prospective Titan pilot thrust into a conflict with an enemy mercenary group alongside a Titan eager to complete the given mission. The multiplayer in Titanfall 2 has been lauded for its free DLC and fast-paced and frenetic movement.

Read our review here, where Javy Gwaltney crowns Titanfall 2 "the full package."

from - The Feed

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes Of An Elusive Age Western Localization Confirmed For PlayStation 4

Shortly after Square-Enix announced localization for Dragon Quest XI the other day and promised further details later, Sony's European Youtube channel has confirmed that at least the PlayStation 4 version is coming.

Dragon Quest XI came in two different versions in Japan, one for the PlayStation 4 and one for the Nintendo 3DS. The PlayStation 4 version is a high-budget, fully 3D RPG made in Unreal Engine 4. The 3DS version is itself two versions - a 3D world akin to Dragon Quest IX, or a completely sprite-based version that resembles Dragon Quest games of old. All versions share the same story, characters, and gameplay.

It is unknown if Square-Enix has plans to release the Nintendo 3DS game in the west.

[Source: PlayStation EU]


Our Take
It would be profoundly disappointing if Square-Enix decided not to bring the 3DS version over, but who knows whether Sony is helping to publish the game, or if Nintendo plans to make an announcement later.

from - The Feed

Corey Gaspur Of Bioware Has Passed Away

Corey Gaspur, longtime fixture at Bioware, has passed away. Gaspur has been involved in games like Sonic Chronicles, Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect 2 and 3, and was the Lead Designer on Anthem.

Our thoughts are with his loved ones.

[Source: Bioware]

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Anime Watchlist: How Can My Recommendations Be This Useful

Fights! Power levels! Ice skating! People rushing at each other with swords, pausing briefly, then someone falling down!

Every so often, I'm going to recommend some anime and manga for people to check out and catch up on. If your favorite anime isn't here, let me know! I'd love to check some stuff out and pass the word. If I recommend something you hate, that's also okay! Not everything I recommend will be the best show ever, but if it's something you might be interested in checking out, I encourage you to give it a chance.

This week, we'll start off by talking about My Hero Academia. If you're tuned in to the anime community pretty much at all, you have heard of MHA, so I don't think I'm giving anyone a news flash here. If you're on the fence, though, I recommend just trying out MHA to see if you enjoy its fantastical world and (pardon the pun) quirky characters. In what appears to be the far future, almost all human beings have been gifted super powers, which of course means that some people use them for evil, and other people try to stop them. Superheroing is a regulated service and young Deku is desperate to take part. The creator, Kohei Horikoshi, is a big fan of western superhero comics and it absolutely shows in MHA. I also suggest following him on Twitter for doodles and posts about Marvel figures he buys.

In pretty much the complete opposite direction, I want to recommend Promised Neverland to anyone who isn't reading it. The manga started in August of 2016 and it tells the story of an orphanage that is covering up a dark secret. When trying to return a doll to a little girl that got adopted, three orphans discover that they're being raised as cattle for what appear to be demons to feast on. It is a shocking, dark manga that takes a number of twists and turns and is masterful at ratcheting up the tension. I highly suggest fans of things like Death Note give it a chance.

Don't forget to let me hear your recommendations or if you tried something I suggested!

from - The Feed

Portal Speedrunner Flies Through Game Without Using Portals

There is no other way to describe it than a triumph, but speedrunner icy has broken the world record for the Portal category of never actually using a portal. He nailed a trick early on in five minutes that he expected to take nine times as long as it did, making relatively smooth sailing for the rest of his run.

The run is fascinating to watch even aside from that trick, as icy manages to get through every nook, cranny, and seam in the game that lets him proceed without having to engage in what the game wants him to do. Were Aperture Science real, and someone was actually testing his ability to use the portal gun, I can't imagine the level of frustration at watching him circumvent every single puzzle they set up.

Just a warning, icy talks along the video and says some profane and possibly offensive things, which he admits to trying to stop himself from saying. If you watch the video, make sure you're aware it's not very kid-friendly.

(Please visit the site to view this media)

[Source: Waypoint]

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Bioware Montreal Merges With EA Motive

The studio behind Mass Effect Andromeda, Bioware Montreal, is now tearing down its metaphorical walls and merging with EA Motive. The two studios share the same floor and office space, making a strange distinction as the two studios worked closely already.

EA Motive is a studio headed by Jade Raymond, the former Ubisoft producer best known for her work spearheading Assassin's Creed. She joined EA in 2015, forming Motive Studios, alongside an announcement that she will be responsible for a Star Wars game using EA's exclusive license for the mega-franchise.

Following Mass Effect Andromeda, rumors were abound that Bioware Montreal was being scaled down due to the game's middling critical reception. While EA has not commented on these rumors, the merging of Bioware Montreal with EA Motive seems to indicate that EA wants to combine their resources rather than let them operate independently of each other. 

[Source: TechRaptor]


Our Take
Considering they already shared office space, it is not surprising EA wants them to work together. If it has Star Wars in the title, EA is naturally going to prioritize it.

from - The Feed

Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy Review – A Stumble On The First Step

As the daughter of the world-renowned Professor Layton, Katrielle has a lot to prove – both in the fiction of the Layton universe and in the real world. Katrielle’s first adventure marks a reboot for the series, with a new protagonist and a new platform (though it is coming to 3DS later), and it succeeds in carrying on the legacy of the series in some ways. In others, however, Katrielle doesn’t quite live up to her father’s name.

Katrielle is bright, funny, and more interesting than her dad in every way. Admiring Professor Layton’s intellect and poise is easy, but I had much more fun with Katrielle and her joyful approach to puzzle solving (and her seemingly bottomless stomach). Her assistant, Ernest Greeves, has a secret crush on her, and it is not surprising in the least. Katrielle is a highlight, but her story is over-long and doesn’t offer much incentive to see it through.

The big problem is the game is made up of 12 mostly standalone cases. Two larger mysteries are teased at the beginning, but they are immediately dropped in favor of thrilling tasks like finding an anniversary present for a forgetful husband or tracking down a rich woman’s lost pet. Solving these standalone cases serves up lots of small character moments for those involved, but without a larger mystery driving the whole thing, I found it hard to stay motivated. The final case does a good job using all the characters that appeared before it, but without narrative teases ramping up to the conclusion, it falls flat. Also, those two interesting mysteries established during the opening remain unsolved and barely mentioned by the end.

(Please visit the site to view this media)

With well over 100 puzzles to find and solve, learning that some of them are duds is not surprising. This is the case with most Layton games, but here the scale is tipped in the direction of mediocre. I enjoyed plenty of puzzles and the hint system does a good job making sure you’re never fully stuck, but many more left me frustrated by their intentionally vague wording, or frankly stupid solutions. I felt outright tricked more often than I patted myself on the back for being smart.

The handful of extra-curricular bonuses, like being able to decorate Katrielle’s office, help out a nearby restaurant, manage the layout of retail stores, and get your talking dog assistant Sherl out of jams are notable for just how much additional content they add to the game. If you don’t feel like solving puzzles, but don’t want to leave the game, there is plenty to do here. Unfortunately, they don’t offer much incentive for ignoring the main cases because they don’t offer additional unlocks or bonuses.

Katrielle is the highlight of this adventure, and I want to solve more mysteries with her (especially the two left hanging), but this first month of her detective agency being in business is disappointing. None of the cases stand out as noteworthy, with the possible exception of the final one. An underwhelming first outing certainly doesn’t spell doom for the new Layton Detective Agency, but I was hoping for more from this series’ reboot.

from - The Feed

Splatoon 2 Adds New Stage Exclusive To Splatfests

Nintendo is adding an exclusive map to this weekend's Splatfest. This new map, Shifty Station, can transform between events and appears to be exclusive to Splatfests.

You can play Shifty Station starting on August 4 at 9 p.m. Pacific until August 5 at 9 p.m. Pacific. To participate, players must choose one of two teams: Team Ketchup, or Team Mayo. The full details of the event can be found here.

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Party Of Three – Reviewing The Applebee’s Tablet Games

The video games press can’t cover everything – there just isn’t enough time to look at all of the games that release each year. Naturally, these pressures lead to blind spots. We, the interns, have taken it upon ourselves to fill one such void in games journalism. Read along, as we get down to the nitty gritty of the reviews you really want to see: Applebee’s Tablet Games. 

Upon sitting down at one of these fine establishments, you’ll find a mysterious tablet at the end of the table. For just $1.99, the tablet becomes a portal to fun. Below, you’ll find our expert opinions, an appropriate food pairing, and a monetary value of the amount of fun we had with each and every game on the device.


Smashy Brick
Smashy Brick takes advantage of the touchscreen in a unique way. It’s a typical Breakout clone, but instead of a bar, the ball (or square in this case) is bouncing off of a line you draw with your finger. It’s a cool concept, but I never liked Breakout. I give it points for originality, though. Also, it looks clean, and it never crashed/bugged out at any point, which is more than can be said for most of the games on this list. – Craig Taylor

Pairs with: The Puzzling Grilled Chicken ‘N Cornbread Salad
Fun: $0.25

Care Bears Love to Learn
As someone who doesn’t love to learn, I gained a whole new appreciation for what it means to be educated. Simple skills, such as counting and pattern recognition, have never been more fun. Unfortunately, just as I felt I was hitting my groove and getting to know the characters, it was over. I look forward to Care Bears Love to Learn 2. Side note: Upon sitting down at our Applebee’s booth, I noticed Doug looked especially dumb. If anyone needed learning, it’s him. – Jared Koncsol

Pairs with: Grilled Cheese and Mott’s Applesauce
Fun: $0.15

Trivia Attack
Whenever I’m sitting down for a fine meal at Applebee’s, it’s inevitable that someone questions my intelligence. Now, I can prove them wrong by smashing the high score on Harry Potter trivia. Sometimes you look stupid because the game throws curveballs at you, like a Shrek question in the Disney category. I totally would have gotten it right if it was in a Dreamworks category, I swear. With “thousands” of questions (we managed to find repeats on our second attempt) and a variety of categories, Trivia Attack is a perfectly functional trivia experience. – Doug DeLong

Pairs with: A) Cedar Salmon with Maple Mustard Glaze   B) Cedar Grilled Lemon Chicken   C) Caesar Salad   D) All of the above
Fun: $0.50

Tractor Crew
Tractor Crew introduces a lot of questions: Who is my crew? Why aren’t there any tractors in this game? Despite a promising set-up, Tractor Crew may have been the biggest letdown of the night. The game tasks you with getting inconveniently placed uranium into a safe waste deposit. With its unique physics engine and complex control scheme, the touchpad controller simply couldn’t handle the dynamicity of the game. Hopefully, the next generation of touch technology will be able to support Kurius Games’ ambition. – Jared Koncsol

Pairs with: Any alcoholic beverage
Fun: -$0.10

Gold Rush
It’s Bejeweled. Match colors to make all adjacent pieces disappear. The stack rises with increasing speed until it’s game over. Despite being a cookie-cutter puzzle game, it was actually fun. Once you get used to the flow, Gold Rush throws in a new element to the gameplay like screen-clearing power-ups or color changers, so the game will hold your attention until you lose. The game challenged us to go “Deluxe,” but when we hit the button nothing happened. – Craig Taylor

Pairs with: A bowl of tortilla chips that you can’t stop eating
Fun: $0.65

Delicious: Emily’s New Beginning
Babysitters are expensive, and sometimes your husband JUST WON’T WATCH THE DAMN BABY FOR A SECOND. Emily has starred in a number of restaurant-management games, but this time you also need to keep an eye on your baby while you do it. You tap around the screen to make Emily run around and perform tasks, such as putting together a hamburger, handing people menus, and keeping the baby from crawling out the door. The game is said to have a “Once in a lifetime story,” but unfortunately the Applebee’s tablet is not the place to experience it. The delicious graphics are much too demanding for the system, which causes the framerate to crawl more slowly than little Paige, and the unresponsive touch screen makes the game nearly unplayable. – Doug DeLong

Pairs with: There’s no time to eat! That man needs a donut, and the baby needs rocking!
Fun: $0.01

Paint Fun
More like ain’t fun. Paint Fun provided a limited number of colors and tools to bring my work of art to life, and the overall result was uninspired. As I attempted to capture a typical day in the G.I. intern room, I found myself disappointed with the lack of options the game afforded me while attempting to depict such a beautiful moment. Ben Reeves’ beautiful curly locks lacked their lustrous texture, while Jeff Cork’s beard simply couldn’t even begin to be captured by the repugnant lack of chromatic values. I originally had plans to print my masterpiece and get it framed for Jeff and Ben, so they might hang it upon their fridges as they would their own child’s creation. Jeff and Ben hold a special place in my heart, and Paint Fun in no way prepared me to express that sentiment. – Jared Koncsol

Pairs with: Non-toxic paints
Fun: $0.07

Action Blox
This game pissed me off, but I also loved it. It’s one of those math-puzzle games where you have to rotate and turn a prism so it falls down a hole. I was determined to solve level six, and was right about to complete it when “Grubby Hands” Jared Koncsol grabbed the tablet from me. Then I got angry. This is a good puzzle game if you have rugrats who won’t sit still in the Applebee’s. You can also buy the home version, but according to reviews it doesn’t work. – Craig Taylor

Pairs with: Candy Blox that Doug brought in his purse
Fun: $0.52

Text Twist 2
What’s that? Knowing random facts about Harry Potter doesn’t prove I’m smart? Well guess what, buddy – wait until you see my anagram skills. This simple game about creating words from an assortment of letters is a useful tool for very secure people, like myself, to prove to their server that they’re geniuses. My server even told me “Wow, good job,” with an expressionless look on his face because he was dumbfounded by my mastery of the English language. – Doug DeLong

Pairs with: The twisty noodles from the Four-Cheese Macaroni and Cheese
Fun: Making random people like you? Priceless.

Tippy Wings
Going into the night, Tippy Wings was a clear favorite with its promise of Flappy Birds-esque gameplay. We were severely disappointed to find the game got stuck on the “Powered by Unity” screen. I’m not sure if this was a problem with Unity or some other technical issue. I do know Applebee’s has dedicated servers, but unfortunately, they seemed more interested in keeping my water topped off than troubleshooting the game. Either way, Tippy Wings left me with a bad taste in my mouth. To be fair, that may have just been the chicken wonton tacos. – Jared Koncsol

Pairs with: Waiting for your wings that aren’t coming because your server forgot
Fun: Still waiting to find out

Although, it’s an unoriginal concept, Prestogram provided a fresh take on the image-filtering genre. The gameplay was spectacular, with tight sticker placement and a fluent user-interface. My only qualm with Prestogram is the distinct lack of sticker content, and the fact that the Viking helmet makes Doug look even more pretentious than he already is. I can only assume more stickers will be added as DLC, although Presto has yet to announce any. Prestogram has an integrated multiplayer which allows you to connect with others upon completion of your gram. Jeff and Ben were thrilled to receive ours, and we hope to be getting one in return very soon. – Jared Koncsol

Pairs with: A side of Pesto Mayo
Fun: $0.12

Next Up: The Interns get to know each other really well after playing some group games.

from - The Feed

Kermit the Frog Becomes The Universe 7 God of Destruction In This Dragon Ball Xenoverse Mod

It ain't easy being green. Ask Piccolo.

This video, showing off the Kermit the Frog mod for Dragon Ball Xenoverse, is two minutes of watching the musical frog style all over Dragon Ball's favorite heroes, villains, and Broly. With some kick-ass editing and blood-pumping music, it's surprisingly fun to watch Kermit Special Beam Cannon his way through Universe 7.

(Please visit the site to view this media)

It is also worth noting that this isn't the first time Kermit has decided to tear through a fighting game. Here's Kermit D. Frog deciding to jump into the world of Smash Bros. in a fan mod. I wonder if he has to be kept away from Porky.

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Ark: Survival Evolved Delayed Just Before Release

Fans of dinosaurs, and particularly fans of hunting dinosaurs, were hotly anticipating Ark: Survival Evolved's official release on August 8th. Unfortunately, developer Studio Wildcard announced a small delay, pushing the game three weeks to August 29th. 

"It sucks," reads the announcement. "We wanted to address this sooner but did not want to make any statements until we were completely sure of what was going to happen." Studio Wildcard is hoping to use the extra time to iron out issues and optimize the game before release.

Ark has been incredibly popular on Steam and Xbox One, announcing 5.5 million sales by August 2016. The full release, Survival Evolved, will release on PC, Mac, Xbox One, and PS4.

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The Sports Desk – A Conversation On The NHL 18 Online Beta

EA Canada's online beta for NHL 18 is just about to end (August 1), and Kim, Bertz, and I have been putting it through its paces, testing out the new Threes mode, increased deke/defensive stick features, and getting impressions of the multiplayer experience overall.

After playing we sat down and had a chat about the beta, the modes and its gameplay, and included some footage of the title in action.

(Please visit the site to view this media)

Missed some of the previous Sports Desk entries? Take a look at the past installments via our Hub page by clicking on the banner below.

Have a suggestion or comment? Put it in the comments section below, send me an email, or reach me on twitter at @mattkato.



Stories aren't just for superstar players. NBA 2K18 is making big changes to it's MyGM mode, including infusing it with a story, casting you as a former player-turned GM. This narrative lasts only the first season and offseason, but regardless, the mode also includes a bunch of other important additions, including a revamped free agency, analytics, and more. Check out Bertz's full preview here.



Madden NFL 18 (PS4, Xbox One) - August 25
F1 2017 (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - August 25
Everybody's Golf (PS4) - August 29
Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 (PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS3, 360) - September 12
NASCAR Heat 2 (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - September 12
NHL 18 (PS4, Xbox One) - September 15
NBA 2K18 (PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, PS3, 360) - September 19
Project Cars 2 (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - September 22
FIFA 18 (PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, PS3, 360) - September 29


A quick rundown of some of the sports news from the week

Madden 18 Ratings Start To Surface 

Madden Devs Discuss Plans To Fix Legacy Issues 
You can also check out the dev blogs on blocking and more on the coaching adjustments. I've wanted coaching adjustments since NCAA was still around, and the cat-and-mouse game of finding the free man blitzing is interesting. Given that the series already has enough blocking mixups, however, I'm curious how well all this A.I. logic is implemented and executed appropriately.

FIFA 18 Dives Into Gameplay Features  
These changes are welcome visually, but I also want teams as a whole to attack, etc. different from each other and act like they do in real life. Let's hope that FIFA 18 can pull that off too.

F1 2017 Gameplay Trailer 

NFL Redzone/Sports Package Added To PlayStation Vue 

Madden/Xbox One S Release Bundle 

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Super Replay – Pokémon Snap Episode 1

After the marathon that was Shenmue II, Andrew Reiner and I decided it was time to play something that didn't require quite so much long-term commitment. We wanted something that felt closer to a walk in the park, or a leisurely ride through a park, which is how we landed on Pokémon Snap. The Nintendo 64 favorite offered Pokémon fans their first look at their favorite creatures in 3D and, for our purposes, doesn't tell an elongated story about revenge.

Despite our intentions to play something a little less intense, we still want to make sure we get a photo of every Pokémon in the game. We will also be passing the sticks in order to foster some competition. At the end of every episode we will make sure to check and see who took the best photo.

Enjoy the episodes, and leave comments! We plan on reading them out loud during the episodes just like we did with our last few two-person Super Replays.

Episode 1
(Please visit the site to view this media)
Head here to watch this episode on YouTube!

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First Look At Probability-Altering Domino From Deadpool Movie Sequel

After surprising pretty much everyone with the stellar Deadpool movie in 2016, Ryan Reynolds has been happy to tweet out small teasers for the movie's sequel. Today, he revealed the first official shot of X-Force marksman and Cable love-interest Domino.

The post-credits scene of Deadpool already joked about Cable's introduction in the second movie, with Josh Brolin confirming his casting in the role.

The Deadpool sequel, tentatively titled Love Machine, started filming in June 2017, with a planned release of June 1st, 2018. Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and Dopsinder (the cab driver that may have gone a little too far in showing his love) have also been confirmed to join Wade Wilson in the new movie.

[Source: Ryan Reynolds' Twitter]


Our Take
The original Deadpool was at its best when the titular character was playing off others, so a dead-serious character definitely makes us excited to see more.

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Resident Evil Producer Adapting The Long Dark In Live-Action Film

The post-apocalyptic survival game The Long Dark is officially launching tomorrow on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, following a successful Kickstarter campaign and early access release on PC several years ago. Hinterland, the studio behind the game, has announced that the game isn't the only way that audiences will be able to experience the world that it's created. A live-action film adaptation is in the works, focused on showing how people in Canada struggle to survive a world that's been ruined following a geomagnetic disaster.

The film is being co-produced by Jeremy Bolt, a producer whose works include the Resident Evil films, and Hinterlands' founder and creative director, Raphael van Lierop.

“I first reached out to Raphael, as a fan of The Long Dark,” Bolt says. “I was immediately taken by the game’s stunningly immersive landscapes, eerily solitary and realistic nature; it is an existential tale of moral, emotional, and physical endurance with strong characters to build on; it is also a mystery. It is an honor to try to do justice to it on film.” 

To provide a sense of what we can expect from the film, van Lierop wrote a short film called Elegy, which you can watch below. It was directed by Jared Pelletier, and performed by Christopher Plummer.

(Please visit the site to view this media)


Our Take
As someone who enjoys post-apocalyptic fiction as well as winter, I'm definitely interested in learning more about this film. Of course, without having details such as who's directing or acting in it – let alone if this will actually make it to production in the first place – it's probably best to keep expectations in check for now.

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The Final Fantasy XV Exosuits Are Available Now

Earlier this year, Square Enix delayed a free update that was going to add Magitek Exosuits to Final Fantasy XV because of their striking similarity to Power Rangers. Now, the suits are back, and they've got a new look.

Donning the new costumes makes you invincible for 30 minutes, but you can only put them on once every 24 hours.


Our Take 
Is it just me, or do they look like The Collectors from Mass Effect 2?

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PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Breaks A Player-Count Record On Steam

The developer of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds announced that the game now holds the highest peak player count of any non-Valve game on Steam. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds overtook Fallout 4 as number three on the leaderboard in July, with more than 481,000 concurrent players.

At third on the list, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds sits behind the behemoth numbers of Dota 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive with peaks of 1,291,328 and 850,485 respectively. Although it has accomplished quite the feat in cracking the top three, it will have to nearly triple its peak player count to claim the number one spot.

The full game is scheduled to be released in Q4 of 2017, following a delay announcement in early July. Check out Javy's column, The Virtual Life, where he discusses his experience with the game.


Our Take
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has made the news plenty lately with its constant updates and remarkable sales for an early access title, so it'll be interesting to see the culmination of the game's success once it finally gets a full release.

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The Insane World Of Bloodborne Seeps Into Dark Souls In New Fan Mod

The worlds of Bloodborne and Dark Souls have unique and fascinating art direction, but what would happen if you mixed them together? Yesterday, a modder who goes by Abject gave us the answer: it looks pretty cool!

BloodSouls is a new Dark Souls mod that adds the Saw Cleaver, Blunderbuss, and a Bloodborne shield to the game. Also included are some reskins of the HUD and Icons.

You can download BloodSouls here to make your Chosen Undead into a Hunter. If you're looking for other ways to get your Bloodborne fix, check out our impressions of Bloodborne: The Card Game

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Minecraft's Cross-Play Beta Starts Today

At E3 2017, Microsoft announced that it was unifying Minecraft under its forthcoming Better Together update, which will allow Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, and mobile players to play the game together. Today, Windows 10 and Android players can see how it's shaping up with the release of an open beta that will allow them to explore worlds in cross-platform play.

In addition to the beta (which you can learn more about here), Microsoft has released a massive update to the game's so-called Bedrock Engine platforms (the Windows 10 and mobile versions of the game). Those players will be able to incorporate stained-glass windows and custom banners into their designs, explore ravines, enjoy the sights of dancing parrots, and more.

An Xbox One version of the beta will be coming "soon," according to Microsoft, so stay tuned.

Once it's released later this year, the Better Together update will essentially unify supported platforms – Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, and mobile – under the Minecraft name, which will all support cross-platform play. The Java and PlayStation 4 versions will continue to be supported and updated, but they'll be discrete versions of the game that will be known by their individual edition names as opposed to simply being called Minecraft.


Our Take
I'm looking forward to finally playing some multiplayer Minecraft with my kids that's not in a split-screen window. Hopefully, Sony decides to play along eventually. Meanwhile, it's not like there is a lack of other devices to choose from.

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New Pokémon Movie Coming Briefly To Theaters In November

The latest Pokémon animated film, Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You, was released in Japan on July 15. The rest of the world will be able to see it in theaters in November, but there's a bit of a catch: It's only playing for two days.

Fathom Events has secured the worldwide theatrical-distribution rights for the movie – an origin story showing how Ash and Pikachu first met – outside of Asia. It will be shown in theaters on Sunday, Nov. 5, and Monday, Nov. 6. 

For more information on the screenings, including locations and times, take a look at Fathom Events' site.

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Monster Hunter Stories 3DS Demo Coming To North America

Nintendo of America has announced that Monster Hunter fans can look forward to a demo for Capcom's quirky 3DS RPG spinoff of the series on August 10th.

Heavily emphasizing the "friends, not food" mentality of children's movies, Monster Hunter Stories lets players create their own Rider (as opposed to Hunter), who goes on adventures alongside monsters from the Monster Hunter universe. The turn-based battle system was designed to help new players get acclimated to the world of Monster Hunter and eventually float up to the more hardcore main series games.

Still no word on Monster Hunter Series' amiibo availability, as the game boasts some of the largest, most intricate amiibo available in Japan.

Monster Hunter Stories is scheduled for release in North America and Europe on September 8th for the Nintendo 3DS.

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Rock Band Blitz Nearing The End Of Its Tour

Next month marks the end of an era for die-hard music-game fans, with word that Rock Band Blitz will be pulled from the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 online stores. 

The demo and complete game will be removed from those stores on or before August 28, according to Harmonix. Players who own the game before it's pulled can still export the game's 25-song soundtrack into Rock Band 4, and those tracks will still be available for purchase as Rock Band 4 DLC. The game itself will remain in your library if you have purchased it, and you'll be able to download it again later if you've deleted it.

Harmonix released Rock Band Blitz on last-gen consoles in 2012, about a year before Sony and Microsoft released their new consoles. Rock Band Blitz is not backward compatible with the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, and , it won't be in the future, either, Harmonix says.

[Source: Harmonix via Rock Band Aide]


Our Take
I dabbled with the game when it was first released, but I preferred my music gaming with plastic instruments instead of boring old controllers. Still, it's a bummer when digital-only releases vanish from virtual storefronts. It definitely feels like a part of gaming history evaporates each time it happens.

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A New Legendary Arrives In Pokémon Go Today

Trainers, if you haven't added Articuno to your Pokémon ranks yet, get out there and play. At some point today, Articuno will no longer be seen. This legendary Pokémon that represents Team Mystic is being replaced by Moltres, the fire/flying bird for Team Valor. Moltres will only be available for one week, being replaced by Team Instinct's Zapdos on August 7.

What happens next is anyone's guess. A popular guess among Trainers is Lugia being swapped out with Ho-oh in mid-August. Some people also believe Niantic will continue rotating the three team-based birds for an indefinite time. We don't know if they will come back, however, so, if you want a full Pokédex, you had best get out and take on these Legendary beasts.


Our Take
Weekly events is exactly what Pokémon GO needs to keep the hardcore base playing. Limiting Legendaries to just a week is a risk, especially if Niantic has no plans of bringing them back any time soon. Time will tell what the plan is, but if the rotation of Legendaries eventually leads to Mew and Mewtwo arriving, I'm all for it.

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New Super Mario Bros. 2 2DS Bundle Coming Next Month

Nintendo has announced another Nintendo 2DS bundle, and this one includes a red-and-white handheld with New Super Mario Bros. 2 preinstalled.

It's not the newly released 2DS XL form factor, but at $79.99 it's an affordable option for younger players. The bundle will be available starting on August 25. 

To get a quick refresher on New Super Mario Bros. 2, check out our review from when the game came out in 2012.

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Sunday 30 July 2017

YouTuber Creates Tribute To Splatoon 2 With 65,000 Dominoes

Nintendo's Splatoon 2 released on the Switch about a week ago, and recently YouTuber TheDominoKing built an impressive tribute to the game, entirely out of dominoes. 

The video below, which uses 65,556 dominoes in total, portrays a bunch of inklings and other characters such as Off The Hook's Pearl and Marina.

(Please visit the site to view this media)

We've featured TheDominoKing's impressive work before, which includes domino sets portraying characters and games such as Sonic, Yoshi, Bowser Jr., Undertale, and more. Read our review of Splatoon 2 here.

[Source: YouTube]

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Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Gets Emotional Trailer, PS4 Pro Support Confirmed

Ninja Theory's Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is out in just a week's time, and the studio is hyping up its upcoming release with an emotional trailer. Ninja Theory also confirmed that Hellblade will be enhanced for PS4 Pro.

The ominous-looking trailer shows off gorgeous CGI cutscenes, along with some fight scenes in slow motion. Check it out for yourself below.

(Please visit the site to view this media)

As for PS4 Pro support, Ninja Theory says Hellblade can be played at an enhanced resolution or at a higher framerate of 60 frames per second. You can read the official statement below:

Today we are happy to share with you the Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice Official Trailer. In addition to the release of our new trailer we are announcing that Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice will be enhanced for PlayStation 4 Pro.

PlayStation 4 Pro players will have the choice between experiencing Hellblade with enhanced resolution or at a higher framerate of 60fps. High-end PC owners will have the option to play Hellblade with an uncapped framerate and in resolutions up to 4K. Hellblade on PC will also support 21:9 ultra widescreen.

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice releases on PlayStation 4 and PC on August 8. For more, check out our cover story from earlier this year which includes exclusive interviews, videos, and more. Click the banner below to be transported to the hub. 

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Persona 5 Anime Adaptation Premieres In 2018

Atlus announced earlier today that a Persona 5 anime is on its way. Named Persona 5 The Animation, the anime is being produced by Atlus as well as the animation studio A-1 Pictures.

Persona 5 The Animation will release in Japan by 2018, and it's unclear whether it will eventually be localized or dubbed for Western audiences.

The Persona franchise has received multiple anime adaptations in the past, including a film series for Persona 3 and two TV series adaptations for Persona 4. Additionally, Persona 5 received a 30-minute anime titled The Daybreakers before the game's launch. It is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

Persona 5 released earlier this year in North America for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. You can read our review here, along with our tips guide which shows you how to make an incredibly powerful persona. Watch a short teaser for the upcoming anime below.

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Titanfall 2 Comes To Origin Access Next Week

Titanfall 2 will be added to the growing vault of PC games known as Origin Access next week. For those with a subscription, they can soon enjoy the full game through this service as of August 1.

Right before it's added to Origin Access, Titanfall 2 is free-to-play this weekend on both consoles and PC. This trial includes only portions of the game, such as a sample of the single-player campaign and a few multiplayer modes.

Battlefield 1 and many others are heading to Origin Access soon as well. Head here to see the full list. Titanfall 2 also received a new four player co-op mode recently, which you can read more about here.

from - The Feed

Saturday 29 July 2017

Breath Of The Wild Glitch Lets You Play Without Blood Moons, Fast Travel, And More

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild lets you play in a variety of ways, and approach situations at your leisure. One thing you can't alter, however, is the flow of time, or whether you can get the game's signature tool, the Sheikah Slate. Not naturally, anyway.

Youtube channel Nintendo3DSChannel has found a way to skip the introductory sequence wherein you acquire the Sheikah Slate, which sets in a motion several of the game's system, including the day/night cycle.

In order to skip the Slate and set about your new journey, you'll have to have a file outside the game's starting area. Next, start a new game, then save in the room you wake up in (before you get the Sheikah Slate, of course). Load up your other save, then find any cliff you can can press A to hang off of. Now, pause the game on the same frame as when press A, then load up your earlier save. The game will teleport you outside the room you were in, skipping the Sheikah Slate. You can watch a how-to video for the trick below.

(Please visit the site to view this media)

What does skipping the Sheikah Slate do? It prevents time from moving forward, which means night never comes, which means no Blood Moons, which means enemies don't respawn. However, because you don't have the slate on you, you can't fast travel, or even have access to the game's minimap. If you ever get tired of playing in this new, strange way, you can always head back into the room you were teleported out of in order to pick up the slate.

According to GamingReinvented, the game doesn't break completely. Cutscenes or story moments where the slate is required still play out as normal. So if you were looking for a way to get even more variety out of Breath of the Wild, this is definitely one way to do that.

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