Thursday 27 July 2017

Reader Discussion: What's The Strangest Game You've Ever Played?

Most of us have grown used to the crazy antics of the Super Mario Bros., but if you step back and think about it, video games can be pretty bizarre. What's the strangest game you've ever played?

Strange is subjective. One person's weird is another person's wonderful, but I'm generally a fan of strange games. Frog Fractions, El Shaddai, and The Cat Lady are all pretty strange games. Maybe you've played them. Maybe you love them.

Personally, I was a big fan (maybe an exaggeration) of Seaman. That old Dreamcast title was entirely about talking to a fish that sounded like Leonard Nimoy. However, the fishy quips made it an entertaining experience. If you like weird games, check out our weekly Replay shows; there is always something bizarre going on there.

What are some of the weirdest games you’ve ever played? What’s the weirdest game you’ve actually enjoy it?

from - The Feed

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