Thursday 28 September 2017

Star Trek Games

There has over the years been a fantasy of travelling to space and exploring new worlds. This has so far not been achieved on aa international level by NASA. What about the rest of us? How do we get to see the unexplored regions of outer space? Star Treck came along to help us out. In this movie we meet characters such as Darth Vader who gave everyone in the 80s daddy issues. But this is just viewership. How do we get to experience it for ourselves? This is where the Star Trek video games come in. The Star Trek is here and there is now hope of being able to explore the unclaimed worlds. This is a video game based on science fiction star trek movie series. It has been the pioneer for many other games in different formats.

Reason why former games were unsuccessful
Star treks is a private owned and licensed venture that has not always been successful. This can be attributed to the misuse of the Star Trek’s brand. Some studios have been trying to squeeze this into genres into which it doesn’t fit. Some of these were used as cash-grabs for example the star trek, and the Game Show. Some companies still try to fit trek in a genre it was not made for. Adventures like the Kobayashi Alternative and the game version of the recent JJ Abrams reboot are among the few examples of game developers who tried to fit the series into a genre it did not belong. It is one of the main reasons why it has not been successful yet.

The game
Most of these games did not make it in the gaming world. However there is a new game based on the Star Trek series. It is called The Judgement. The judgement game is a mix of bridge banter and combat. In these one is required to perform tasks like travelling into new worlds. Some of the feature have been imported from 25th anniversary. For example the recreation of the world war one. Both of the combating and adventure are not the best one can find around but the pairing was good and in line with the origin al series.

Why it makes sense
It makes sense to turn Star Trek into a shooter in the elite case and voyager is out in space surrounded by enemies. In reality this would have been an awful idea. The creation of hazard team just in time before voyager is engulfed in the darkness of being trapped in a spaceship full of some fearful alien types.

In the first level, the stimulated Borg ship is set aboard. Little expense is spared. The entire crew voice their characters in an attempt to unify the hazard team. The suggestion to include it into the show was turned down but the same concept however was seen in enterprise as MACO assault unit. The show was fitted well and it was categorized a good shooter. It was and is by far the best action spin-off.

The post Star Trek Games appeared first on Flash Jungle.

from Flash Jungle

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