Thursday 29 June 2017

Reader Discussion: What Games Do You Hope Get Resurrected From The Dead?

A few days ago, Nintendo officially announced the SNES Classic Edition, which will include 21 classic SNES games, and I'm still reeling from the fact that fans will finally be able to get their hands on Star Fox 2. What other previously-unreleased games do you hope will eventually see release?

In today's magical drone-delivery world where everything you want is only a few computer clicks ways, its easy to start believing that anything is possible. We never thought Nintendo would release Star Fox 2, but we're about to get it this Fall. This led me to wonder if it's possible that other classic, uneleased titles from yesteryear might finally see that light of day. Personally, I'm still itching to play Blizzard's StarCraft Ghost stealth action game. The odds aren't in our favor, but maybe someday we'll get to play that project.

What about you? Let us know what cancelled games you'll like to see rise from the grave in the comments below.

from - The Feed

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