Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Report: Telltale's Wolf Among Us And Tales From The Borderlands Won't Be Continued Any Time Soon

According to a report from EuroGamer, it sounds like both The Wolf Among Us and Tales from the Borderlands won't be continued any time soon, as the studio says it has no immediate plans to release future seasons for either series.

With San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) on the horizon, Telltale's Job Stauffer took to Twitter to explain the fates of both series. When discussing Bigby Wolf's voice actor, Adam Harrington, Stauffer wrote on Twitter, "I worry about people getting their hopes up in the wrong direction."

EuroGamer reached out to Telltale, receiving a more detailed response about both games and whether each series' finale cliffhangers would ever see a clearer resolution.

When asked about The Wolf Among Us, Stauffer told EuroGamer that, "Something I've always wanted to admit is that while we do have a clear answer to who was who at the end of that story... we had also agreed to keep it a mystery for the fans to ponder on their own." He further explained that if the team did decide to revisit the series, it would likely be an entirely new chapter unrelated to season one's events.

As for Tales from the Borderlands, Stauffer provided the following quote:

While there are currently no plans for us to continue the story on the Telltale side, we do know that our friends at Gearbox and 2K are hard at work on what's next for the Borderlands universe. We know that also means if anything happens Rhys, Fiona and the gang... the ball is in their court to see whether they will or will not be explored again in any possible future entry into that universe. We're big fans of Borderlands as well, obviously, so here's hoping Tales isn't the last we'll ever see of those characters!

Telltale has teased that its planning to announce some big news during SDCC later this week. Stay tuned to Game Informer as we report coverage coming out of the show. For more on Telltale, read our review of Guardian of the Galaxy's second season here, and read associate editor Javy Gwaltney's opinion piece on why he believes Tales from the Borderlands is Telltale's best work.

[Source: EuroGamer]


Our Take
While it's a shame that neither of these will see continuations soon, it doesn't mean those doors are closing forever. Telltale is making it clear that its immediate plans are focusing on other series, which may have to do with its Marvel partnership. I also think it's interesting for Telltale to recognize the potential of leaving The Wolf Among Us' finale open-ended, so that fans can create their own theories. It's possible that Telltale will return to these series in the future in some form or another, but the wait may be a long one.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/07/18/report_3A00_-telltales-wolf-among-us-and-tales-from-the-borderlands-wont-be-continued-any-time-soon.aspx

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