Friday 1 September 2017

Reader Discussion: What Will You Be Playing This Labor Day Weekend?

Most gamers in the U.S. are gearing up for a three-day weekend, which hopefully will include some time for our favorite hobby. So what's on your gaming schedule?

Normally we here at G.I. publish Weekend Warrior on Friday evenings, where editors outline their upcoming gaming plans. However, everyone got so excited for the three-day weekend that they ran out of the office before telling me what they were up to. Rather than guessing what everyone else is playing, I figured I'd instead turn the question over to the community, to see how you'll be spending the extra day off (hopefully).

I'll personally probably just end up playing more Diablo III, though I've been urged to check out Path of Exile on Xbox One as well, and I'd like to start Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. The season finale of Game of Thrones also got me in the mood to finally return to Skyrim, which is probably the only game that will last me until the final season of the show starts up again.

So what about you? Share your Labor Day weekend plans in the comments below! It doesn't even have to be video game-related – I'm not the Fun Police!

from - The Feed

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