Sunday 10 September 2017

YouTube Personality PewDiePie Utters Racial Slur During PUBG Stream

In February, Felix Kjellberg (AKA) PewDiePie was dropped from both Disney as well as Google for creating anti-semantic content, including a video where Kjellberg watches two men hold a sign up that says "Death To All Jews." 

Later that month, Kjellberg responded to being dropped by the two companies with a video where he said, saying the joke went too far while also lashing out at the media: "My intention was to prove how stupid [] is and how far you could push it by just paying $5. I'm sorry for the words that I used as I know they offended people, and I admit that the joke itself went too far...Old school media does not like internet personalities... because they're scared of us."

Kjellberg is stirring up controversy again with a stream of him playing PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds and saying a racial slur (the n-word) during an intense moment of gameplay. You can watch the video here if you want but be warned, the language is strong and derogatory

At the time of this writing, Kjellberg is the richest YouTuber in the world and has an audience of over 57 million subscribers.

Our Take
Kjellberg is an entertainer and easily one of the most powerful people in an industry undergoing a massive sea change when it comes to media and video games. However, we do not feel that this gives Kjellberg a license to say racial slurs and not be taken to task for it, especially in an industry that still fails when it comes to handling toxic multiplayer communities. We hope that given the massive audience that Kjellberg has, and the number of young, impressionable men and women among them, he issues an apology and endeavor to be a better role model in the future.

from - The Feed

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