Friday 26 January 2018

Our Bold 2018 Predictions

Last year was an impressive year for video games, but 2018 is no slouch. Or, at least, we don't think it's going to be a slouch. These are our bold predictions for the things we think will be happening this year. We recognize that we're likely being too optimistic

Devil May Cry 5 Exists
We haven't played a new Devil May Cry game since Ninja Theory's DmC in 2013. It's time to check on Dante, and we're going to get the chance to do that this year. And we think that, despite the fact that we really liked it a lot, Ninja Theory won't be involved.

More Zelda!
Last year was a big year for Zelda, but we don't think the franchise is resting. Last year, Aonuma said,  A 2D Zelda on Switch is, “definitely a possibility," and we're hopeful we will learn more about that potential game this year. We also think that the Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD remasters will also get Switch ports and release on the same day.

We Get To Play Death Stranding
Don't get us wrong – we don't think Death Stranding is going to release this year. We're hopeful though, that we will get to play some small version of it. Realistically, maybe we get to play it at E3. Optimistically, maybe a public demo of some kind is released. Between Metal Gear Solid 2's demo included with Zone of the Enders and Ground Zeroes, Hideo Kojima has been known to let us get our hands on his games a little early before.

We Learn About And Play Lara Croft's New Adventure
Crystal Dynamics teased more info for the next Tomb Raider game in December (which included a clever nod to its potential name, Shadow of the Tomb Raider), and we think that even though we don't know a lot about it, we will be playing it before the end of the year. What better way to capitalize on the excitement surrounding the film releasing in March than a brand-new game?

Metroid Prime Trilogy Comes To Switch
With Metroid Prime 4 already announced, and likely far from release, Nintendo will want to keep the momentum from Samus Returns going in 2018, and the best way to do that is to make the original Prime trilogy playable on Switch. Nintendo should through in a remastered Other M, too, just for the heck of it.

Castlevania Returns
The animated Netflix series was well-liked (and is returning this summer) and Konami saw success with the revival of Bomberman on Switch. We think Castlevania is next, it's coming to Switch, and it will tie into the show.

Bluepoint Remakes Demon's Souls
It's a weird gap in Sony's remakes and remasters request list and Bluepoint just finished its Shadow of the Colossus remake. We think the remaster studio will take on the first Souls game next.

We Learn About genDesign's Next Project
Regardless of how you ultimately felt about The Last Guardian, we can all agree that it took entirely too long to release. The studio's next game won't suffer the same fate. It has already started teasing it on its website, and we think we will learn a lot more about it this year.

Finally, Virtual Console
Nintendo is taking its sweet, sweet time with the Switch's expanded online services, but this year is the year we finally learn what's going on with the Virtual Console. And to raise our own expectations through the roof, we think when Nintendo launches it this year, it will burst out of the gates with a respectable library of available titles.

from - The Feed

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