Tuesday 31 January 2017

Nintendo Sells 1.5 Million NES Classic Editions, Apologizes For Shortages

Nintendo recently held a Corporate Management Policy Briefing, and while it mostly reiterated the financial details shared yesterday, there were some new details, like the success of the NES Classic Edition.

The system (which we reviewed here) is a miniature plug-and-play system that comes with 30 NES games. The device sold 1.5 million units across the world and continues to be difficult to find in stores. In the briefing, Nintendo shed a little light on exactly why that is.

In November last year, we brought back the nostalgic Famicom and NES home consoles in palm- sized versions and shipped the entire quantity of Nintendo Classic Mini Family Computer units we initially prepared for each market. We apologize to our consumers and retail partners for the inconvenience caused by product shortages. Some parts require time to procure, but we are working to increase production. We also see the nostalgic interest in these products as an opportunity to draw consumers’ attention to our latest game system, Nintendo Switch.

For more on the NES Classic Edition, head here.

[Source: Nintendo]


Our Take
It feels like the only people who underestimated the potential sales of this thing was Nintendo. I really hope it leads to the release of a comparable Super Nintendo classic edition console. Despite being a heavy investor in the Wii U Virtual Console, that is one I would probably have to get.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/nintendo-sells-1-5-million-nes-classic-editions-apologizes-for-shortages.aspx

Watch Game Informer Editors Try To Stay Alive In Resident Evil 7's New Survival Mode

Resident Evil 7's first wave of DLC packs, called Banned Footage Vol 1, launched today. Included in the pack is a mode called Ethan Must Die, which has protagonist Ethan working through the Baker Estate to take on dastardly Marguerite in the Green House. However, the rules have changed from the main game. There are no save points, the house has been rearranged, enemies are deadlier, and items are randomized. 

Editors Kyle Hilliard, Javy Gwaltney, and Jeff Cork decided to put their skills to the test in a deadly game of Pass The Sticks. How did our trio do? You can find out right here:

(Please visit the site to view this media)

If you want more pass the sticks goodness, be sure to check out our Chronicles of Dark Souls 3.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2017/01/31/watch-game-informer-editors-try-to-stay-alive-in-resident-evil-7s-new-survival-mode.aspx

NBA Live Delayed, Madden To Frostbite, And Need For Speed Coming Next Year

Alongside the news of EA's strong strong financial 2016, the publisher/developer had a few teases for the future of its franchises.

A new NBA Live is still on the way, despite setbacks. Electronic Arts CEO, Andrew Wilson, said on today's investor call that the next game has been pushed back to fall 2017 from an original release window that put it out before April. Wilson says it is withholding the game in order to release something, "truly innovative and disruptive in the marketplace."

Wilson also stated on the call that EA Tiburon is converting its Madden development to DICE's Frostbite engine, and the new engine will be used for Madden NFL 18 (like we reported last year). We don't know if this means it'll have a Frostbite-based story mode like FIFA's The Journey (which is getting a second season for FIFA 18), but Wilson assures it will offer major enhancements.

A new Need for Speed was mentioned with a 2018 release window. Little else was said about the game, but it will have an online multiplayer focus.

Smaller news includes the confirmation that NHL 18 releases in September, EA has plans for a UFC game next year, and unfortunately, despite rumors, EA does not have a new Skate game currently in development.

[Source: Electronic Arts, Polygon]


Our Take
NBA Live is in a tricky position. It is hugely overshadowed by its competition and it has a lot of ground to make up. I'm curious to see how Frostbite affects Madden. It might lead to a rough transition for this year's entry. Skate never really grabbed me personally, but I know it has a lot of fans. I'm sure it's disappointing to hear it's not currently in development.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/nba-live-pushed-back-madden-changing-to-frostbite-and-need-for-speed-coming-next-year.aspx

Battlecrew Space Pirates Pulls Ashore For Early Access

Dontnod Eleven's fast-paced PC title launched today on Steam Early Access. Battlecrew Space Pirates currently features four playable buccaneers, a central hub for players to track stats and leaderboards, and the Gold Rush game mode. This 4v4 competitive game type, which pits space pirate crews against each other to steal the most treasure, is shown prominently in the game's Early Access trailer.

(Please visit the site to view this media)

Battlecrew Space Pirates will be available for 30-percent off until February 7, with Dontnod Eleven promising more maps, characters, and a 2v2 Deathmatch game type as development continues during Early Access.  

Check out Jeff Cork's initial preview of the title here.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/games/battlecrew_space_pirates/b/pc/archive/2017/01/31/multiplayer-shooter-pulls-ashore-on-steam.aspx

Super Replay – The Worst Sonic The Hedgehog Ever

New Sea Of Thieves Trailer Focues On Online Cooperative Experience

Sea of Thieves, Rare's ambitious open-world online pirate simulator has a new gameplay video, showcasing the developers on a peaceful mission to deliver some treasure. Of course, it isn't long before a gang of scurvy dogs pops in to cause chaos and excitement. The trailer shows off many of the game's unique features, including playing sea shanties on old-timey pirate instruments, plugging leaks made by cannonballs, digging up buried treasure, and adjusting sails to suit the wind.

(Please visit the site to view this media)

Rare is clearly placing a broad emphasis on teamwork and a lighthearted tone of whimsy and discovery; while it may prove to be possible, it would likely be a significant hassle for a single player to control an entire pirate ship all by themselves, especially with the myriad dangers afoot in Sea of Thieves' sandbox.

Sea of Thieves is set to release in 2017 for Xbox One and PC. For more on this game, see GI's  previous E3 coverage here.

[Source: Sea of Thieves]

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed https://www.gameinformer.com/games/sea_of_thieves/b/xboxone/archive/2017/01/31/new-developer-gameplay-trailer-focues-on-online-cooperative-experience.aspx

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Will Feature A Single-Player Campaign, Multiple Eras

One of the most requested features for DICE’s Star Wars Battlefront was a single player campaign – something the sequel looks to deliver.

During an earnings call today, Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson confirmed that the Star Wars Battlefront sequel will release this holiday season. DICE, Motive Studios, and Criterion are all working on the title, which will feature new locations, heroes, and a single-player campaign. EA also plans to include content from multiple Star Wars eras such as the The Force Awakens and Rogue One.


Our Take
The more I hear about the Battlefront sequel the more it sounds like a real crowd-pleaser. I skipped the last game because if sounded a little light on content. I probably won't skip this entry.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/star-wars-battlefront-2-will-feature-a-single-player-campaign.aspx

BioWare's New IP Isn't An RPG

Earlier today during an EA investors call, the company revealed a small number of details about BioWare's brand-new IP, which is scheduled to launch sometime in 2018.

Obviously, we don't know much about this mysterious BioWare project, but it sounds like it could be an action game that features some kind of social or multiplayer component. During the call, BioWare GM Aaryn Flynn said that the studio has been working on the game since 2012, and that the game would "bring players together in exciting new ways." EA also called out the fact that the game wouldn't be an RPG. Previously, BioWare said that they were working on a game within a new universe, full of new characters, stories, and gameplay.


Our Take
This new IP is probably Casey Hudson’s old project. Considering the success of Destiny, we wouldn't be surprised if BioWare attempted something along those lines. However, the detail that the game won't be an RPG is interesting. Does EA mean that it won't be a traditional RPG, or that it won't be RPG focused? We'd find it strange if BioWare's new game didn't feature any kind of progression system. For further insight into the new project, listen to our interview with BioWare's general manager Aaryn Flynn – skip to the 20-minute mark to hear him talk about the new IP.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed https://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/biowares-new-ip-isnt-an-rpg.aspx

FIFA 17 And Battlefield 1 Are EA’s Biggest Sellers Of 2016

For the first time in its history, Electronic Arts generated over $1 billion in operating cash flow in a single quarter. This is largely due to the strong performance of Battlefield 1 and FIFA 17.

Here are a few worthwhile stats to recap EA's year.

  • Digital net sales* of $2.861 billion for the trailing 12-month period represents 60 percent of total net sales, up 18% year-over-year.
  • FIFA 17 was the best-selling console title in the world in 2016.
  • Battlefield 1 had the biggest Battlefield launch ever and has a player base more than 50 percent larger than that of Battlefield 4 in its comparable launch quarter.
  • To date, more than 10 million fans have played The Journey, the new single-player mode in FIFA 17.
  • In Q3, average gameplay time per player in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes reached a new high of 155 minutes per day.

* Net sales is defined as the net amount of products and services sold digitally or sold-in physically in the period.


Our Take
EA is in really good shape, and with new Mass Effect, Madden, FIFA, and Star Wars games on the horizon, 2017 could be equally as good.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/fifa-17-and-battlefield-1-are-ea-s-biggest-sellers-of-2016.aspx

Science-Fiction Weekly – Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Han Solo, Dr. Who, Avatar, Avorion

After two seasons of traveling in the TARDIS, actor Peter Capaldi is leaving Doctor Who at the end of this season. He was the 12th Doctor, and a damn fine one at that. Capaldi didn't make me forget about David Tennant's brilliant run as the 10th Doctor, but he delivered a unique punch to his Doctor and made the role his own. Capaldi previously said the show's shooting schedule and workload were taxing for an actor, but said it wouldn't stop him from being a part of this universe. Although TV ratings are down this season, BBC won't be putting the series on ice again. It sounds like 2018's season is already locked in. BBC's content director Charlotte Moore says "It's not over yet – I know the next series is going to be spectacular."

I always hate seeing a Doctor go, especially when it feels like we are just getting to know them, but BBC has done a nice job of reinventing the role each time the baton is passed to another actor. Here's hoping the next Doctor shakes up the foundation a little.

I'm guessing one actor's interpretation of a popular character will be a little harder to accept than a typical Doctor Who replacement. Filming is officially under way for the Han Solo prequel film. The news broke via director Chris Miller's Twitter account, where he shared an image from the set. Miller refrains from showing us anything meaningful, but does reveal the working title of the film is Star Wars: Red Cup. Outside of knowing filming is happening as you read this, the best part of the Tweet is Miller's humor. His statement of "Han first shot," is a hilarious play on the "Han shot first" debacle, which George Lucas probably loves seeing. Red Cup is also a cute reference to Red Solo Cup. We don't know what is being filmed at this point, or if Alden Ehrenreich (the new Han Solo) is even on set yet, but we do know actor Donald Glover (Lando Calrissian) was left in the dark on the script almost all the way up to filming.

In an interview with SciFi Now Magazine earlier this month, he said he hadn't seen the script yet. “It’s like an owl flies through your window and gives you a script; that’s how quiet and confidential it is,” he joked. Lucasfilm obviously doesn't want the script to leak on the internet, but it must be frustrating for the actors to blindly sign on to a project, even if it is Star Wars.

The other Star Wars film in development, The Last Jedi, is supposedly progressing nicely. Director Rian Johnson told Empire Magazine he is in the heart of editing the film, and recently shared a photo of the new name being added to the opening scroll. He also said inspiration for his sequel story comes from three films: "Twelve O’Clock High was a big touchstone, for the feel and look of the aerial combat as well as the dynamic between the pilots," he said. "Three Outlaw Samurai for the feel of the sword-fighting, and the general sense of pulpy fun. And To Catch A Thief was a great film to rewatch, for the romantic scale and grandeur."

James Cameron apparently wants Avatar to be just as big of a series as Marvel's super hero films and Lucasfilm's Star Wars projects. He doesn't have his vision on just one sequel. He's actively working on a billion of them. "The thing is, my focus isn’t on Avatar 2. My focus is on Avatar 2, 3, 4, and 5 equally," he told the Daily Beast. "That’s exactly how I’m approaching it. They’ve all been developed equally. I’ve just finished the script to Avatar 5. I’m now starting the process of active prep. I’ll be working with the actors in the capture volume in August, so I’m booked in production every day between now and then. Our volume is up and running, and everything is designed, and so we’re going full-guns right now. I feel like I’ve been let out of jail, because I’ve been in the writing cave for the last two years. I’m actually enjoying life. I don’t enjoy writing. I wouldn’t wish writing on a dog."

He sounds equally miserable and content with Avatar. Why he decided to write four sequels at once is beyond me, but I'm guessing we'll learn soon. The good news, "capture volume" begins in August. He's talking about motion capture, suggesting this film will mostly be CG again. Say what you will about Avatar, but we need more sci-fi universes on the big screen. I love Cameron's work and can't wait to see what he does with this franchise, even if it is starting to sound bats--- crazy.

In the world of games, if the idea of designing your own capital-class starship sounds fun, you can achieve this goal in a new game called Avorion, which just released on Steam Early Access. The launch trailer shows how ships can be constructed quickly through a process similar to snapping Lego pieces together. The building aspect reminds me of Kingdom Hearts' terrible Gummi Ships, as does the brief snippets of gameplay. I haven't had a chance to get my hands on the game, and won't until it's officially released (a stance I've taken with all Early Access titles lately), but I do like the sound of what developer Boxelware is selling. The goal is to start on the edge of the universe and travel toward its center. Yes, I know what this sounds like. Rather than comparing it to THAT game, Boxelware says it takes inspiration from Freelance, and adds in cooperative play.

(Please visit the site to view this media)

The ship building sounds ambitious. "There are no limits to ship size or complexity besides your resources," Boxelware details. "You're not bound to the standard voxel style and while building an awesome ship in Avorion you won't get lost in lots and lots of micro-management. You can focus on building a great looking ship, without having too much trouble to make it work. But make sure you still keep an eye on your ship’s maneuverability or energy requirements. Adjust your ships perfectly to their operational purpose by building light and agile or heavily armored ships. Build specialized transport ships with lots of cargo space or heavily armored battleships with strong shields. Collect loot from defeated foes which you can use to upgrade your ship: New turrets, resources, trading goods or system upgrades. Install system upgrades that allow more weapons, ease asteroid mining or trading systems which detect trading routes over multiple sectors. And why build only one ship? Hire captains to fly your ships for you, manage your crews, weapons, hangars and fighters and build your own fleet of space ships." That crew can consist of another ship controlled by a friend. That sounds awesome.

Place Avorion on your radars, folks, unless of course you enjoy playing games that are actively in development. We don't when this one will release officially, but it sounds like Boxelware is working hard on updates and is listening to the community to nail the concept.

As always, let me know what you think of the topics from this week's column in the comments section below. I especially want to hear your take on Avatar and Cameron's ambitious plans.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2017/01/31/science-fiction-weekly-star-wars-the-last-jedi-han-solo-dr-who-avatar-avorion.aspx

New Kingdom Hearts III Screen Pays Homage To Final Fantasy VII

Square Enix is celebrating Final Fantasy VII‘s 20th anniversary today with a new screenshot of Kingdom Hearts III.

Looking for more Kingdom Hearts III details? Double your fun with these other two images from Square' upcoming Disney-themed RPG. And for comparison check out the original art from Final Fantasy VII, which released 20 years ago today.


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Payday 2 And Shadow Warrior 2 Crossover Event Announced Alongside Steam Bundle

Publishers Flying Wild Hog and Devolver Digital, as well as developers Starbreeze and Overkill announced a crossover for the first person shooters Shadow Warrior 2 and Payday 2 today. The crossover event, which is currently underway, puts two Payday 2 weapons and the iconic Dallas mask into Shadow Warrior 2. Meanwhile, Payday 2 players will be able  to use Shadow Warrior 2's Katana as well as several demon masks.

Additionally, Steam has a promotional bundle for both games, which takes 25-percent off of Shadow Warrior 2, and 75-percent off of Payday 2. Players who already own one of the games get an additional 10 percent off.

Shadow Warrior 2 released on PC last year. You can read what Javy Gwaltney thought of the experience here.


Our Take  
It's always nice to see publishers and developers collaborating like this, especially when the properties are likely to have some overlap in their audiences. Payday 2 is no stranger to crossover content. Previously, Flying Wild Hog gave players weapons and characters from franchises such as Hotline Miami and John Wick. While Shadow Warrior 2 may not have the same history of crossing over with other properties that Payday does, perhaps this could open the door to more opportunities down the line, which would be fun and lead to a healthy lifespan for the shooter.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/payday-2-shadow-warrior-2-crossover-event-announced-alongside-steam-bundle.aspx

PSA: Last Chance To Transfer GTA Online Characters From 360 And PS3

If you're a last-gen Grand Theft Auto Online player aiming to continue the adventures of your Xbox 360 or PS3 character on PS4 or Xbox One, now's the last chance to transfer your character data.

Starting on March 6, it will no longer be possible to move a GTA Online character from last-gen consoles. It's long been the case that Xbox 360 and PS3 owners have missed out on GTA Online's numerous updates; since late 2015, GTA Online content drops have been exclusive to PS4, Xbox One, and PC, leaving last-gen players behind.

For Xbox 360 and PS3 players, it's now or never, but they've had plenty of time to make the change. Thankfully, Rockstar is giving players more than a month's notice before they lock characters to their last-gen consoles forever, rather than just pulling the rug out with no warning.

For more on Grand Theft Auto, see the latest stats of the online juggernaut here, and GI's review of the current-gen version here.

[Source: Rockstar Newswire]

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/psa-last-chance-to-transfer-gta-online-characters-from-360-ps3.aspx

The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Coming June 6

With it's first ever "expansion" The Elder Scrolls Online is adding an enormous amount of content to the MMORPG on Xbox One, PS4, PC, and Mac on June 6 with Morrowind.

New players can start fresh right on the shores of Vvardenfell with no need to touch the current game's content, and the game will be offered at several different price points for different versions and upgrades.

(Please visit the site to view this media)

The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind takes place 700 years prior to the events in The Elder Scrolls III, so players can expect to see many recognizable faces and places. While some locations may be different (that town may still be a fledgling settlement, etc) Vvardenfell has been meticulously replicated for its new life in The Elder Scrolls Online.


Morrowind adds the game's first new class, the Warden, which wields nature-based magic and the ability to summon a towering bear companion. PVP will also be getting some significant new options with 4v4v4 arena-style battlegrounds, where players can participate in more structured combat than the giant world war in Cyrodiil currently available.

Players who already own The Elder Scrolls Online can upgrade for $39.99, while new players can get the entire game (includes Tamriel Unlimited and Morrowind) for $59.99.

Collectors editions will also be available in both physical and digital forms. The physical edition is $99.99 and comes with a Colossus statue, map, game case, journal, and a smattering of digital rewards that are also in the digital collector's editon ($79.99) such as a spider pet, armored war horse, gear customization options, emotes, and a Grey Bear for the new Warden class.

Our Take
Check out the upcoming issue of Game Informer for an in-depth look at what's coming in The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind :)

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/the-elder-scrolls-online-morrowind-coming-june-6.aspx

PSA: Pay What You Want For Perspective-Shifting Indie Hit Fez

Polytron’s Fez let you explore a 3D world from a 2D perspective while solving perception-altering puzzles. It was one of our favorite games of 2012, and if you’ve somehow missed this indie gem until now, you can pay whatever you can (as little as a cent) to download the game. Better yet, all proceeds go to the ACLU Foundation.

If you haven't played Fez, read our review to find out why you should. You can't pass on a deal this good, but if you have some extra change to spare you can sleep well knowing that all this sales proceeds goes towards helping the ACLU Foundation, which helps "spearhead innovative and groundbreaking civil liberties litigation and public education."

[Source: @Polytron]

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The Top 10 Games On Xbox One

Microsoft broadened the Xbox's focus from being a games machine with the Xbox 360 to an all-in-one entertainment device with the Xbox One. That strategy may not have attracted gamers in the early days of the new-generation transition, and the console continues to recover from those missteps. Even so, the Xbox One is home to an increasing library of great games. In our continually evolving feature, we're highlighting the 10 essential games on Xbox One.

Here are Game Informer's current picks for the top 10 games on the Xbox One.

10. Rise of the Tomb Raider
“Rise of the Tomb Raider captures the thrill of being an adventurer and leaves you thinking about Lara's next move. You have daredevil sequences, heroic moments, fun exploration, and exciting fights that even Indiana Jones would envy. If Crystal Dynamics keeps raising the bar from here, I can't wait to see what's next for Lara.” — Kimberley Wallace

To read the full review and learn more, click here.

9. Titanfall 2
"In an era where it feels like the majority of shooters either have single-player or multiplayer tacked on, Titanfall 2 is the full package. The top-tier campaign has nearly perfect pacing, and the subtle revisions and additions to the multiplayer make it better than ever. For first-person shooter fans, Titanfall 2 is a must play." – Javy Gwaltney

To read the full review and learn more, click here.

8. Dishonored 2
"Dishonored 2 successfully builds on the solid stealth-combat foundation of the original while introducing enough fun new gameplay concepts to feel fresh. Whether you prefer sticking to the shadows or gutting every co-conspirator in the land, the game offers a rewarding experience with attractive upgrade paths." – Matt Bertz

To read the full review and learn more, click here.

7. Inside
“Inside has excellent gameplay, thoughtful puzzles, and deadly obstacles that are entertaining to avoid – but it feels wrong to call the game “fun.” The full experience, from its opening moments to a finale that left my mouth agape, is a strangely uncomfortable one. The world’s implied history immediately pulled me in, and it’s an experience I can’t put out of my head. My chest tightens as I recall the feeling of entering new areas, succumbing to surprise deaths and witnessing its many unexpected moments. By the end, I felt as though I had lived through someone’s horrible dream, and I couldn’t wait to do it all over again.” – Kyle Hilliard

To read the full review and learn more, click here.

6. Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition
"Two years is a long time in video games, and it’s rare that a release so far out from its original incarnation can generate excitement. However, Blizzard’s constant improvements and adjustments have led to a stellar port to new-gen consoles, including the complete experience available on PC, plus several smart bonus features. It’s an ideal way to play the game for the first time or the tenth, especially if you have any mix of friends to play with, either on your couch or across the country." – Matt Miller

To read the full review and learn more, click here.

On the next page: The top 5 games on Xbox One.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed https://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2017/01/31/the-top-10-games-on-xbox-one.aspx

Play Rainbow Six Siege For Free This Weekend

With the second year of DLC content for Rainbow Six Siege on the horizon, Ubisoft is giving players across all platforms the chance to try the tactical shooter for free this weekend.

Running from February 2 to 5, the free trial offers full access to all the title's operators, maps, and game modes. Those who enjoy Siege can then pick it up for 50-percent off for a limited time after February 5 and still retain any progress made during the weekend.

[Source: Ubisoft]


Our Take
Ubisoft is pushing hard this weekend with both the free trial of Rainbow Six Siege and the Ghost Recon Wildlands closed beta. It's nice to see both Tom Clancy games operational after such long layoffs for both. 

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed https://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/rainbow-six-siege-free-to-play-this-weekend.aspx

As GTA Online Engagement Hits Record High, Rockstar Kicks Off A Double GTA$ And RP Event

Today Rockstar Games announced that December 2016 saw more players engaged with GTA Online than ever before. Across Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC, players participated in 13 million stunt races, fought 15 million matches of Juggernaut, started 24 million new motorcycle clubs, and made 10 billion vehicle modifications in the span of just one month.

Rockstar also announced a Double GTA$ and RP event for three modes that starts today and runs through February 13th. The modes included in the event are Juggernaut, Vehicle Vendetta, and Lost vs. Damned. Additionally, there players can take advantage of a variety of discounts, such as 50-percent off executive offices, and 25-percent off vehicle warehouses. 

For more details on the event, you can go to Rockstar's website here

[Source: Rockstar]

Our Take 
With Grand Theft Auto V still selling as well as it does month over month, it's no surprise that players are engaging more with the engrossing online portion. Rockstar has done a commendable job of giving players new expansions and content since release, and events such as this one ensure that fans will keep coming back for more.  

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/gta-online-engagement-at-record-high-double-gta-and-rp-event-starts-today.aspx

Ubisoft Announces For Honor Open Beta Dates

Hot off the heels of the closed beta, Ubisoft has revealed the open beta dates for its medieval brawler For Honor. 

Starting February 9, you can jump into the fray on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC to test out the skill-based melee combat. This beta includes the Elimination mode, a respawn free, round-based best-of-five face-off between two teams of four fighters. The Dominion, Brawl, and Duel modes from the closed beta are also included. The event runs through February 12. 

Before the open beta kicks off, Ubisoft is hosting a star-studded Twitch livestream featuring Jason Mamoa, Lauren Cohan, Alfie Allen, and Demetrious Johnson. You can tun in here on February 7 at 2:00 p.m. PST. 

For Honor officially releases on February 14. To hear Miller's take on the closed beta, you can watch this informative Test Chamber

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/ubisoft-announces-for-honor-open-beta-dates.aspx

Hitman: Season 1 Review – The Complete Package Still Comes Up Short

Whether you love it or hate it, much of the discussion surrounding IO Interactive’s latest installment of Hitman has been focused on its episodic format. The decision to split the experience into individual levels and sell them piecemeal was a major focus (and criticism) in my review of Episode 1, and the slow drip feed of offerings since then ultimately led us to wait until the entire “season” was released before taking another critical look at the game. That time has come with the release of the final episode, and while playing through all six missions together does indeed offer a better experience, Agent 47’s latest outing fails to live up to his greatest hits. 

Whether you’re just now jumping into the full game or have been playing every episode as they release, Hitman’s story doesn’t offer much to get excited about. Aside from a few flashbacks that reveal how Agent 47 met his longtime handler Diana Burnwood, the sparse narrative tries (and fails) to convey a vast, twist-laden conspiracy in a handful of short, rendered clips. The mystery of who is behind Hitman’s disparate missions doesn’t materialize into anything meaningful, leaving you six big sandboxes to experiment in as you replay the story missions and sample the side content.

Unfortunately, the locations are too big for their own good. Like previous games, the new Hitman offers up a bevy of creative opportunities to snuff your targets. However, the enormous areas exacerbate all of the series’ weaknesses. Pulling off an elaborate kill means learning the layout of a labyrinthine environment, finding the necessary items for your scheme (which is now like finding a specific needle in a stack of needles), figuring out guard routes, acquiring the right disguises, and oftentimes maneuvering your target into the correct location by completing some inane secondary objective. It’s an inordinate amount of prep work for a series that already demands a lot of patience. 

The end result is you probably won’t stumble upon creative executions organically like the old games, and even if you do, you’re likely to miss a key component. In the Bangkok level, my attempts to kill a high-profile rockstar fell apart at the 11th hour. After obtaining multiple disguises to sneak past the hotel’s guards, infiltrate the band’s penthouse, and poison the doomed musician’s birthday cake, I found out my target wouldn’t even come down to the room to try the celebratory dessert because it was missing a topper. To get it would mean sneaking all the way back down to the ground floor, swapping disguises yet again, and then finding the actual object among the sprawling maze of kitchens and storage rooms. 

The solution (besides just shooting him in the head) is to use the “track opportunity” function, which is basically a Hitman for Dummies guide that leads you through each assassination option step by step. The system works fine, but it also strips Agent 47 of his agency, and diminishes some of the magic the series is built on. Either you accept the guided tour or you waste a lot more time trying to find everything yourself. Either way, the thrill of discovery takes a hit.

Hitman’s later episodes only become more unforgiving. IO Interactive isn’t afraid to ratchet up the difficulty by loading environments with eagle-eyed foes. Episode 5 tasks 47 with taking out four targets on a militia training camp in Colorado, which means every NPC is armed and on the lookout for intruders. Episode 6 takes place inside a high-tech spa where every door is electronically locked based on your disguise, leaving you with few places to hide. I appreciate new wrinkles and challenges being introduced to Hitman’s gameplay, but they all result in more trial and error, which can quickly cross the line into frustration.

The gameplay also suffers from more ambiguity. As in Absolution, Some NPCs can see through your disguises, but you won’t know which ones until you’re wearing it. In the Marrakesh level, I jumped through numerous hoops to obtain a guard uniform, only to find out it had no effect on the majority of identically dressed guards in the embassy. Some wonky A.I. behavior also makes it hard to tell when NPCs will notice you or respond with force; performing the same actions on multiple attempts sometimes result in different outcomes. Rolling with the punches has always been part of the Hitman formula, but the longer the missions are, the more of a problem unpredictability becomes. I used to revel in trying to achieve the perfect hit and the coveted Silent Assassin rating that comes along with it. Now most missions are a slog just to get through, and I feel less inclined to repeat them.

While the six main missions still contain some classic Hitman moments, the bonus content is less compelling. Outside of the PS4-exclusive Sarajevo Six missions, Hitman’s other missions all revolve around killing random NPCs in less creative and more repetitive ways. This includes the Escalation missions, which task you with redoing the same assassination five times in a row with increasingly complex parameters. I enjoyed some of the extra content, but not enough to keep me consistently coming back. On the bright side, IO Interactive has finally added search options for user-created Contracts, making it much easier to share custom missions with your friends and find content you're interested in.

Unfortunately, some of Hitman’s other shortcomings have remained over the year-long release schedule. Diving back in, I forgot just how crippled the game is if you’re not online – lose your Internet connection while playing, and you also lose all the secondary missions, unlocked weapons and gear, bonuses challenges, and even your in-game stats. I also ran into some slow-loading texture problems, which rendered Hitman’s iconic barcode tattoo into an inky smudge for minutes at a time, along with other textures in the environment. IO Interactive continues to rely on the same small pool of voice actors for NPCs, whose lame banter about politics, economics, and philosophy will make you wish everyone was on your hit list.

Agent 47’s ultimate skill has always been patience, and the newest Hitman demands the same from the player more than ever before. Some may enjoy devoting hours to planning and pulling off the perfect hit, but the supersized levels have made 47’s latest adventure an overly drawn-out affair, above and beyond the initial episodic release schedule.

(Please visit the site to view this media)

This review was originally published on November 15, 2016.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/games/hitman_season_1/b/playstation4/archive/2017/01/31/hitman-season-1-review-game-informer.aspx

Aurora Shows How To Paragon And Chill In New Hero Video

Epic Games has released a new Paragon hero, the frosty Aurora. Take a look at a new video to see how she uses her ice abilities to disrupt and control enemy attackers.

She's able to rush forward using her abilities, create paths for her and her allies, and freeze large crowds using her ultimate. Check out the clip for a complete rundown of what she brings to the field.

(Please visit the site to view this media)

Paragon is in open beta on PlayStation 4 and PC.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/games/paragon/b/pc/archive/2017/01/31/aurora-shows-how-to-paragon-and-chill-in-new-hero-video.aspx

Gladio DLC Coming To Final Fantasy XV On March 28

The first story-focused DLC for Final Fantasy XV is almost upon us. Square Enix has announced that "Episode Gladiolus" is slated for release on March 28, and puts players in direct control of Gladio.

While Gladio is usually by Noctis' side in the main story, players can only order him to perform certain attacks. In this DLC, he takes center stage as the main character. From the screenshot above, it appears that Gladio also teams up with Cor Leonis (aka "The Marshal"), who briefly appears a guest companion in Final Fantasy XV. According to Square Enix, the fan-favorite character Gilgamesh also makes an appearance.

The episode is included for season pass holders (and owners of FFXV's Premium Edition), but others need to purchase it separately.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/gladio-dlc-coming-to-final-fantasy-xv-on-march-28.aspx

McFarlane Reveals Female Ryder Mass Effect Andromeda Figure

McFarlane Toys likes to dabble with some of the biggest video game properties around, and this fall the company will release the next series of its Color Tops line featuring BioWare's Mass Effect Andromeda. Here's a sneak peak at the new female Ryder figure.

You can check out the male version of Ryder here, but this female version was designed with more than 12 points of articulation and comes posed with a Camifex assault rifle. Female Ryder will be available starting in August and will retail for $19.99.

Here's the full image.

For more, follow McFarlane Toys on Facebook. And be sure to check out our Mass Effect Andromeda hub for all you need to know about the game.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/mcfarlane-reveals-female-ryder-mass-effect-andromeda-figure.aspx

Get X-COM: UFO Defense Free For A Limited Time

Humble Bundle is offering X-COM: UFO Defense on PC for free for a limited time.

You can get the game here until tomorrow (February 1) at noon central time. Redeeming the offer and getting the title requires a Humble Bundle account.

X-COM: UFO Defense originally came out in 1994 on multiple platforms and was remade in 2012 by Firaxis.

[Source: Humble Bundle]

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/get-x-com-ufo-defense-free-for-a-limited-time.aspx

2017 Video Game Release Schedule

If you're wondering what games are coming up in 2017, we've put them all in one convenient location. This list will be continually updated to act as a living, breathing schedule as new dates are announced, titles are delayed, and big reveals happen. This should help you plan out your next several months in gaming and beyond.

As the gaming calendar is constantly changing, we highly recommend you bookmark this page. You'll likely find yourself coming back to this to find out the most recent release schedule for the most anticipated games across PC, consoles, handhelds, and mobile devices. If you notice that we've missed something, feel free to let us know! Please note that games will not get assigned to a month until they have a confirmed release dates

Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone (PS4) - January 10
Rise and Shine (Xbox One, PC) – January 13
Road Redemption (PS4, Xbox One) - January 15 
2064: Read Only Memories (PS4) - January 17
The Flame In The Flood (PS4) - January 17
Gravity Rush 2
(PS4) - January 20
Urban Empire (PC) - January 20
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (3DS) - January 20
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Mega-Battle (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – January 20
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue (PS4) - January 24
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - January 24
Tales of Berseria (PS4, PC) - January 24
Yakuza 0 (PS4) - January 24
Moto Racer 4 (PS4, Xbox One) - January 24
Double Dragon IV (PS4, PC)  - January 29
Disgaea 2 (PC) - January 30
Constructor HD (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - January 31
Hitman: The Complete First Season (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - January 31
Digimon World: Next Order (PS4) - January 31 

Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World (3DS) - February 3
Touhou Genso Wanderer (PS4, Vita) - February 7
Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book (PC) - February 7
Nioh (PS4) - February 9
For Honor (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - February 14
Sniper Elite 4 (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - February 14
Deformers (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - February 14
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk (PS4, PC, Vita) - February 21 
Halo Wars 2 (Xbox One, PC) - February 21
Night in the Woods (PS4, PC) – February 21
Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin (PSVR) - February 21
Ys Origin (PS4, Vita) - February 21
Lego Worlds (Xbox One, PS4, PC) – February 24
Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4) - February 28
Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns (3DS) - February 28 
Torment: Tides of Numenera (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – February 28
Valhalla Hills: Definitive Edition (PS4, Xbox One) – February 28 

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch, Wii U) - March 3
1-2-Switch (Switch) - March 3
Super Bomberman R (Switch) - March 3
Just Dance 2017 (Switch) - March 3
Skylanders Imaginators (Switch) - March 3
I Am Setsuna (Switch) - March 3
World of Goo (Switch) - March 3
Little Inferno (Switch) - March 3
Human Resource Machine (Switch) - March 3
Ghost Recon Wildlands (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - March 7
Nier: Automata (PS4, PC) – March 7
Birthdays the Beginning (PS4, PC) - March 7
Loot Rascals (PS4, PC) - March 7
Danganronpa 1-2 Reload (PS4) – March 14 
Star Trek: Bridge Crew (PSVR, Rift, Vive) – March 14
Styx: Shards of Darkness (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - March 14
Mass Effect Andromeda (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - March 21
Dreamfall Chapters (PS4, Xbox One) – March 24
Mario Sports Superstars (3DS) – March 24
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix (PS4) - March 28
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix (PS4) - March 28
MLB The Show 17 (PS4) – March 28 

Persona 5 (PS4, PS3) - April 4
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - April 4
Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - April 7
Yooka-Laylee (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - April 11
The Silver Case (PS4) - April 18
Micro Machines: World Series (PS4, Xbox One) - April 21
Dragon Quest Heroes II (PS4) - April 25
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Switch) - April 28 

Prey (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - May 5
Injustice 2
(PS4, Xbox One, iOS, Android) - May 16
Fire Emblem Fates: Shadows of Valentia – May 19
Don't Starve Mega Pack (PS4, Xbox One) – May 30

Tekken 7 (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - June 2 

Be sure to bookmark this page so you can return as the year's schedule continues to fill out!

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/2017-video-game-release-schedule.aspx

Square Enix Mostly Silent On Final Fantasy VII Remake, Shares New Art

Square Enix kicked off Final Fantasy's 30th Anniversary in Tokyo today, beginning with an event that gave fans a small taste of what the series' future holds. The focus was mostly on the coming months, delivering the release date for Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, details about Final Fantasy XV's Episode Gladio DLC, and other merchandise like Final Fantasy Wine, a fashion line, and partnerships with various food companies. Square has a track record of getting ahead of itself with game announcements, but made no mention of any new Final Fantasy titles.

The company also held back on sharing new details for Final Fantasy VII Remake – believed to be the next big release for the series – but did debut new key art from the game that shows Cloud and Sephiroth looming over Midgar and the Shinra Electric Power Company.

Our Take

Fans were hoping Square Enix would deliver a release date for Final Fantasy VII Remake, or at least show new gameplay from it, but the key art does confirm it's still on the radar. The question that looms large now is what year will it release?

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/square-enix-mostly-silent-on-final-fantasy-vii-remake-shares-new-art.aspx

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Releasing In July

For all you Final Fantasy fans waiting to dive into the new and improved version of Final Fantasy XII, mark your calendar. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is coming on July 11.

The announcement from Square Enix came this morning as part of the company's celebration of the Final Fantasy series' 30th anniversary. The Zodiac Age is an HD remaster of the PS2 title, but also features revamped mechanics (like the Zodiac job system), giving players a different experience this time around.  

Square Enix also released new art (below) from artist Akihiko Yoshida.

For more info about the improvements in Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, read our interview with the director and producer.

from www.GameInformer.com - The Feed http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2017/01/31/final-fantasy-xii-the-zodiac-age-releasing-in-july.aspx