Monday 30 January 2017

ESA Issues Statement On Trump Immigration Ban

Fallout over President Donald Trump's executive order last week barring students, visitors, refugees, immigrants, and even green-card-holding legal permanent United States residents from seven Middle Eastern countries from entering or traveling to the United States continues to reverberate across the country. In the aftermath of several prominent technology companies speaking out against the broad-reaching and poorly implemented edict that has already been challenged in court, the interactive entertainment's leading trade organization has issued a public statement as well.

The ESA, which is most prominently known for putting together the annual E3 convention, lobbies Congress in the interest of advancing game-friendly public policy. Several developers and publishers have already spoken out against the executive order, and today the organization added their voice to the chorus.

“The Entertainment Software Association urges the White House to exercise caution with regard to vital immigration and foreign worker programs," the statement reads. "As a leading force in technology and exporter of entertainment, the U.S. video game industry thrives on the contributions of innovators and storytellers from around the world. While recognizing that enhancing national security and protecting our country’s citizens are critical goals, our companies rely on the skilled talent of U.S. citizens, foreign nationals, and immigrants alike. Our nation’s actions and words should support their participation in the American economy.


Our Take
Trump's unilateral order clearly targets countries his administration believes are most likely to foster domestic terrorism, but the impulsive implementation had minimal vetting by governmental agencies, and that has created an unfortunate fallout that extends far beyond homeland security and into everyday business for many companies. 

from - The Feed

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